Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Juvenile Charged With Murder Of Two Month Old Infant

Natalie Wolfe Professor Rodgers Juvenile Delinquency 16 March 2015 Juvenile Charged with Murder of Two Month Old Infant An eleven year old African American juvenile girl was charged with murder in the state of Ohio for killing a two month old baby girl, Zuri Whitehead. The mothers were friends who had met while working at a medical clinic at Cleveland s Cuyahoga County jail, and the defendants mother had previously taken care of Whitehead’s other two children without problem or concern. As stated by the article, the baby was staying overnight at the eleven year old girl’s request (name not given due to the age of defendant). At about 9:30pm that night, the juvenile’s mother had called, saying that she was close by and had wanted to take care of Zuri for the night. At around 3am that morning, the mother had fallen asleep on the couch only to be awoken by her daughter holding the badly injured baby and saying that something was wrong. She had taken the baby upstairs, and when the eleven year old girl had come back downstairs, Zuri was found bleeding and her head was badly swollen. The older girl’s mother panicked and called 911. Shortly thereafter, Zuri was flown to a children s trauma unit in Cleveland where she died during surgery for sever internal injuries. Police who are currently investigating this crime are saying that the eleven year old will be undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. She will remain in custody of the Lake County Juvenile Detention Center inShow MoreRelatedJuveniles Should Be Tried During Adult Court1383 Words   |  6 PagesLang/Comp 6 6 March 2015 Juveniles Should Be Tried in Adult Court Kenzie Houk had everything going for her. She was twenty-six, engaged to the love of her life, and was eight-and-a-half months pregnant. In the late winter of 2009, her four-year-old daughter waddled in her bedroom, hoping to surprise her mommy with a good morning smile. 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