Friday, May 15, 2020

Benefits Of Genetically Modified Foods - 1725 Words

Almost with every new topic, no matter what it is, there is controversy. There are always the pros and the cons. In recent years, genetically modified food has become more and more common. Yet, by becoming more common, they are also becoming a more debated topic. While most people think of the negative aspects of genetically modified foods, there are many advantages that people do not know about. Basically, people are afraid of what they don’t know. According to, genetically modified organisms are organisms where â€Å"we can incorporate new genes from one species into a completely unrelated species through genetic engineering† (Phillips 1). These organisms, plants specifically, have been modified to increase desired traits such as better resistance to herbicides or enhanced nutrition. Though natural breeding can improve certain traits, it is time consuming and not always precise. On the other hand, genetic modification can create plants with the exact desired trait quickly and with great precision. While genetically modified food seems good on paper, many people argue that there are many reasons to not use GMOs. According to Joseph Hobbs, the EU allows GMOs, due to the World Trade Organization, but they must be labeled, yet, â€Å"some member countries, notably Greece, have defied EU guidelines and imposed outright bans on GM foods and crops† (Hobbs 86). In the United States is where the most controvers y is, for there really are no regulations on genetically modifiedShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods1354 Words   |  6 PagesGMO’s Genetically Modified Foods is a new contervserasonal topic on the health on agricultural of the world. It is heavily debated for the reason that it can be seen as a health risk or a major advancement in Agriculture. One on hand, it can be used to increase production, as well has have foods that could be altered to be pest-resistant and greater nutritional values (WHAT ARE THEY). While on the other hand, many consider ‘Safety testing of whole foods is difficult. Generally assessment of ‘safety/toxicity’Read MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Food967 Words   |  4 PagesA genetically modified food is food that was made using organisms that were genetically modified as well. What the engineers do is take certain traits that they like from each crop and transfer them to another to get their desired food. There is a company called Arctic Apples which uses biotechnology to identify certain genes that, when mixed with polyphenolics, turns the apples brown. When they identify it, they remove the genes that cause it and the apples don’t go brown. This is one of many geneticallyRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods905 Words   |  4 Pagesthree decades since the discovery of genetically modified foods (foods formed by organisms that have gone through altering DNA using the procedures of genetic engineering.) In the year 1983, the original genetically modified herb was manufactured with antibiotic-resistant tobacco. A near decade after, the FDA (food and drug administration) had finally approved to put a genetically modified tomato on the market. Countless organizations are proclaiming the benefits of GMO’s, whereas, other believe it’sRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Food1330 Words   |  6 Pages Everyone has heard of genetically modified food. They have become so prominent in the United States and fill up a majority of our supermarkets. There has been controversy over the past few years on whether gen etically modifying animals and crops is ethical and safe. But what a majority of Americans lack is knowledge of genetic engineering (GE). Many Americans hear the term genetically modified organism (GMO) and think it sounds scary or bad. They decide to be against the techniques of GE beforeRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods1647 Words   |  7 Pages What foods are genetically modified? Well, most food that â€Å"contains sugar from sugar beets, soy, or corn,† is genetically modified (Mercola, 2015, p. 4). Most people consume genetically modified, or GM, foods every day without even being aware. While some do avidly monitor their food consumption and avoid GM foods, others simply eat GM foods because, to them, GM foods seem safe to consume. In â€Å"Genetically Modified Foods Are Not Safe to Eat,† osteopath, Joseph Mercola, advocates his concerns of consumingRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods938 Words   |  4 Pages Have you ever thought of what would happen to everyone on Earth if Genetically Modified Foods were allowed? According to the World Health Organization, Genetically Modified Foods or Genetically modified Organisms are organisms where the genetic material has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination(World Health Organization). Genetically Modified Foods are foods that are altered to give more portions and cause people to earn more money. They alsoRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Food Essay1443 Words   |  6 Pageseats only fresh, unprocessed foods that are marked as non-GMO or certified organic; chances are that one eats food that has been genetically modified. Up to eighty percent of food in stores in America are genetically modified. America pushes these foods and the biotech industry so intensely. But, are these foods truly safe? Many people don’t exactly know what a GMO is. A GMO is a genetically modified food. They are plants or seeds that have been changed genetically by scientist. Scientist do thisRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods998 Words   |  4 Pagesengineering of foods, scientist, researchers, and farmers have changed the way food is grown. And this has started raising questions about the methods they use and their possible risks and side effects. To understand the risks and benefits of genetically modified foods you must first understand what they are. Genetically modified foods may also be referred to as GM foods, GMO, modified crops, GM organisms, or bio-tech foods. (Wohlers, Anton E, 2013, p73-84) You may see me referring to Genetically ModifiedRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods1203 Words   |  5 PagesGenetically modified organisms, sometimes known as GMO’s, are plants or animals that are created through the process of genetic engineering. Modified foods are often viewed as a valuable solution to ending world hunger, because they take less time to produce into larger crops. The use of gmos have increased in recent years,because they can grow bigger and faster than regular fruits and vegetables in much harsher environments.Also have seem to sustain and fight off many of the pests that have troubledRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods1553 Words   |  7 Pages Genetically Modified foods are made when genetic material from the DNA of one species of a plant’s genes is extracted and forced i nto the genes of different plants in a laboratory. Everything that is living is made of billions of cells. Inside each of these cells there is a nucleus that contains DNA. DNA is what carries the genetic information that the organisms on from one generation to another have to make a new organism and keep it functional. Genes are made of DNA. They make up the parts

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