Friday, December 27, 2019

Managers and Management Training Through Example 2019

Many organizations spend a lot on management training. They send their employees on business trips, conduct seminars or them, teach them team building and conduct workshops on every aspect of management. After the training these newly trained managers are ready and all geared up to conquer the corporate world. These trained and motivated managers lead their team and become responsible for the growth and achievements of their organization. These new managers grow to become on of the two kinds of leaders. The American corporate world is run by two kinds of managers who are at opposites of each other. They then guide, train and instruct people around them to either behave like them or impel them to behave exactly the opposite. The Soft Manager This category is of the nice managers. The president of the organization who always sends a thank you not after a job well accomplished. The supervisor who identifies his juniors by their first names. And also always remembers their birthdays too. These are the kind of people who you feel nice to meet and exchange pleasantries with. You stop by their office every morning to wish a pleasant hello. .u2cb3ca01adcc9e481bc7e8fa6c9fe769 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u2cb3ca01adcc9e481bc7e8fa6c9fe769:active, .u2cb3ca01adcc9e481bc7e8fa6c9fe769:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u2cb3ca01adcc9e481bc7e8fa6c9fe769 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u2cb3ca01adcc9e481bc7e8fa6c9fe769 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u2cb3ca01adcc9e481bc7e8fa6c9fe769 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u2cb3ca01adcc9e481bc7e8fa6c9fe769:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Online Computer Science Degree Important Contributions to Society from Professionals in Computer ScienceThis kind of management training is provided to the employees through example and a constructive temperament. It is no longer required to have efficiency days and take away precious lunch hours to gaze at old-fashioned informational movies on the policies of the organization. His kinds of manager motivate their juniors to work hard without compelling or harassing them. When you are with pleasant person, you want the thing to remain pleasant for all times. Employees do not generally undermine the nice soft boss. As they very well know that the Ill scratch your back, you scratch mine set-up is an ideal and satisfying environment and is very helpful when you have to spend 40 hours each week. A soft manager is not only soft, he is also conscious of his surrounding and his responsibilities. These managers are usually very learned individuals with very high professional degreesand even PhDs. They are fair but not naive, experienced but not unsentimental. They happen to follow the philosophy that each day is a great learning experience and one is never too old to learn. This stance is very contagious. These managers take their organizations to the apex. They are great ideals for their employees who look up to them and try to become like them. .u8fee4e62f051eb416d8505e12b1c6b31 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u8fee4e62f051eb416d8505e12b1c6b31:active, .u8fee4e62f051eb416d8505e12b1c6b31:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u8fee4e62f051eb416d8505e12b1c6b31 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u8fee4e62f051eb416d8505e12b1c6b31 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u8fee4e62f051eb416d8505e12b1c6b31 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u8fee4e62f051eb416d8505e12b1c6b31:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Focused Health Care Planning For StudentsThe Hard Taskmaster You come across this kind of managers too often. They are smooth but so corrupting that you feel that you have changed a lot since you have started working for him. They interview very well and take hold of the situation very brusquely. They make their employees work very hard and yet they stay cool and calm. These kinds of managers are friendly but suspicious in the presence of an outside authority or an associate. These types of managers also give management training by example. Individuals who have worked under him then lead and direct as they have been lead in the past. Some of them, due to the difficulties that they have faced when they worked under a hard taskmaster, learn to behave in a way that is completely opposite to the one they have gone through. In the present world, both kinds of managers are required. At some places, the difficult one are needed to drive the employees to success, while a number of others need the soft and understanding ones, gently encouraging the employees to success. Both are of immense value. What you need to know is under whom you would like to work. And more so which of the above ones you would like to become. .ufdca9dffc1cb750c2d5938cea3927780 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .ufdca9dffc1cb750c2d5938cea3927780:active, .ufdca9dffc1cb750c2d5938cea3927780:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .ufdca9dffc1cb750c2d5938cea3927780 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .ufdca9dffc1cb750c2d5938cea3927780 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .ufdca9dffc1cb750c2d5938cea3927780 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .ufdca9dffc1cb750c2d5938cea3927780:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ IT Colleges Are The Path To IT CareersRelated ArticlesYour Entrepreneurship in Your EnterpriseHuman Resource Management TrainingNonprofit Jobs Training to be an Executive DirectorBachelor Degree in Business AdministrationNonprofit Organization Jobs Work as a Grant Writer for a Nonprofit AgencyNonprofit Jobs Training to be a Manager of Volunteers

Thursday, December 19, 2019

All Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque

Germany flourished on the nationalism in the early 1900’s of its people. Ready to encounter an attack at any moment and any time. People forget the decision of war until they are in the flame of its fire. In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque explains his experience of the war in World War 1 through a character Paul Bumer. Bumer was a kind and sensitive man. Back in school he used to write poets. Pual’s Bumer teacher brainwashed him and other students who where his classmates. He convinced them by the idea of glory and dramatic rhetorical for war and fighting for the sake of their country. After that dialog, the students were encouraged to enter the war. In the book many scenario are shown, the most critical†¦show more content†¦Paul and his classmates became full hatted of the teacher speech throughout the novel. Their experience of war slowly pushed them away from the idea of patriotism and nationalism. At last, kantorek is placed in the army and creates horrible soldier that proved the insanity of the ethics he believed and advertised to the students. Clearly in the book, the author pictured multiple scenarios of massacre and gores Paul and his classmates view physically in the battle. The common between patriotism and nationalism the author’s main issue was it leads people to the real vision of war. National and patriotism are slaughter and disaster to the solider. Sadly every event was sadness brutal and bloody disturbing description of deaths, fights and injuries. At the hospital, when Paul and his comrades witness the injuries and shattered bodies â€Å"A man cannot realize that above such shattered bodies there are still human faces in which life goes its daily round. And this is only one hospital, one single station; there are hundreds of thousands in Germany, hundreds of thousands in France, hundreds of thousands in Russia. How senseless is everything that can ever be written, done, or thought when such things are possible. It must all be lies and of no account when the culture of a thousand years could not prevent this stream of blood being poured out, these torture-chambers in their hundreds of thousands. A hospital alone shows what war is† (Remarque 209). Kemmerich, one of Paul’s All Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque The novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is a tale about a group of young gentlemen in Germany who decide to join the army, and fight in World War I for their country. The boys become interested in fighting for their country after their schoolmaster informs them about the importance of this war. With much excitement, the young men have high expectations of what they want the war to be like. Throughout the course of the novel, the attitudes and opinions of the boys change as they develop an anti-war perspective. The war really takes a toll on the main character, Paul, as he often finds himself anxious and uncomfortable. This gives the feel that the novel has anti-war themes that are exhibited by this negative perspective on the part of Paul. The novel All Quiet on the Western Front shows an anti-war perspective that is demonstrated by Paul’s personal struggles in war, how Paul is changed by the war, and the theme of fearing war. Paul Baumer is an eightee n year old young man who has a desire to help his country in World War I. He gains motivation when listening to his schoolmaster, Kantorek, give inspirational speeches. Paul develops a deep sense of patriotism and pride in his country of Germany. He was known to be a compassionate and kind individual, so this newfound sense of pride in his country is not surprising, since Paul realized fighting in World War I could be of great benefit. The personality of Paul is said to be polite and caring forShow MoreRelatedAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1714 Words   |  7 PagesAll Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque is a narrative describing World War I from a German soldier s perspective. The story is narrated by Paul Baà ¼mer and predominantly revolves around the experiences of him and his comrades Kemmerich, Katczinsky, Kropp, Mà ¼ller, and Leer. The novel begins with Paul Baà ¼mer and his friends in a cheerful mood as extra rations are being allocated to them due to the missing soldiers. During this event, Baà ¼mer introduces and describes the variousRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1469 Words   |  6 Pagesjoy and happiness in life. Through the experiences that the soldiers encounter, their humanity is compromised. Thus, as war strips soldiers of their innocence, they start to become disconnected from themselves and others. In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque illustrates the negative effects war has on a soldier’s humanity, through his use of Paul’s books and the potato pancakes by revealing the soldiers loss of emotion that causes them to become detached from society. Through theseRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque732 Words   |  3 Pageshistory, war between man has been nearly inevitable. The impact of war has always been devastating on all aspects. However, loss in war is mostly seen within the loss of land, wealth an d the numbers of lives lost. There are few accounts of the true losses felt from war, the loss felt by the survivors and the true cost of human life. In the excerpt from All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, illustrates the impact on human life and question what the cost of human life was impacted. WhileRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque800 Words   |  3 Pages All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque was the war novel that changed what ‘war novel’ meant. No longer would war be a fantasy for the growing generation, but a real-life death trap. World War I came with many innovations to warfare: machine guns, poison gases, trench-style warfare. While these technologies were supposed to improve warfare, it made war longer with more casualties. In All Quiet on the Western Front war is not looked up to, it is looked down upon from the perspectiveRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque2100 Words   |  9 Pagesthoughts, feelings and experiences. All Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque, which takes World War I as background, is the great war novel which talks about the German soldiers extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the hopeless of these soldiers about the â€Å"future† – the time the war would have ended. All Quiet on the Western Front is narrated by Paul Bà ¤umer, a twenty-years-old German soldier who fights in the French front in World War I. Paul and his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1292 Words   |  6 PagesGermany flourished on the nationalism in the early 1900’s of its people. Ready to encounter an attack at any moment and any time. People forget the decision of war until they are in the flame of its fire. In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque explains his experience of the war in World War 1 through a character Paul Bumer. Bumer was a kind and sensitive man. Back in school he used to write poets. Pual’s Bumer teacher brainwashed him and other students who where his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque1655 Words   |  7 Pagessupporting Gandhi’s belief is World War I, which was fought between the Central Powers and Allies and infamous for its d evastating repercussions and savage warfare that occurred from 1914 to 1918. In his historical fiction novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque describes the traumatic and deadly war conditions of WWI from the perspective of a German soldier named Paul Baumer, who provides readers with firsthand insight on war’s atrocious nature. Nonetheless, war’s violence did notRead MoreAll Quiet And The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1249 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men, we are crude and sorrowful and superï ¬ cial, I believe we are lost† (Remarque 123). World War I is a tragic event that occurred in 1914 to 1918. Paul Baumer and the rest of the soldiers in the novel of â€Å"All Quiet in the Western Front† by Erich Maria Remarque are lost; they are broken from the fist World War, they don’t know anything aside from War, and they have lost their innocence during the years of matur ation. When the young men heardRead MoreAll Is Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1051 Words   |  5 PagesNathan Brown Quarter 2 Book Report American History My second quarter book was called â€Å"All is Quiet on the Western Front† by Erich Maria Remarque. This book as about a man named, Paul Baumer who is fighting for Germany in World War 1. He and a bunch of his friends from high school join an army voluntarily. They heard their teacher (Kantorek) in class giving patriotic speeches. After joining the army, Paul and his friends soon come to a conclusion that joining the army was not what they thought itRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1222 Words   |  5 PagesSelf-Learning Lessons There is no doubt that when war occurs, every single human being is affected by it even if it is just a little. In the novel, â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front† written by Erich Maria Remarque, a group of teenage men, who also appear to by classmates, are in the German army of World War I because they have chosen to leave their adolescence at home and school for grown up work at the army. Throughout this fictional novel, they face many challenges that result in them not seeing All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque Erich Maria Remarques novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, follows the life of Paul Baumer, a German soldier fighting on the western front in World War I. Throughout the story, Paul discovers that war is not all that people have made it out to be. It was a book written to reflect the human cost of war. It shows us how war has an unseen face that most people do not see until it is too late. Paul realizes that being a part of the war has caused him to lose his identity. The novel accurately illustrates, through Pauls experience, that the negative effects of WWI were far greater for the younger generation of soldiers. This in turn, led to a lost generation of men. At the beginning of the novel Paul and the other soldiers are taking a rest from being in constant battle for 2 weeks. Only 80 men of 150 make it back alive and the cook unwittingly made enough food for 150 men. The men are all excited at the idea of eating double portions, this show that the soldiers have a type of detachment that they have unfortunately attained from bloodshed on the front. Paul tells of the letter from his school master calling him and his comrades â€Å"Iron Youth†, they are irritated at the idea of how they were manipulated to join the war by this teacher that they once looked up to. He feels that his past is a dream and everything he thinks about in the past is just an unreliable memory â€Å"only facts are real and important to us.† In chapter 2 Kemmerich is dying and Muller selfishly is onlyShow MoreRelatedAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1714 Words   |  7 PagesAll Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarq ue is a narrative describing World War I from a German soldier s perspective. The story is narrated by Paul Baà ¼mer and predominantly revolves around the experiences of him and his comrades Kemmerich, Katczinsky, Kropp, Mà ¼ller, and Leer. The novel begins with Paul Baà ¼mer and his friends in a cheerful mood as extra rations are being allocated to them due to the missing soldiers. During this event, Baà ¼mer introduces and describes the variousRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1469 Words   |  6 Pagesjoy and happiness in life. Through the experiences that the soldiers encounter, their humanity is compromised. Thus, as war strips soldiers of their innocence, they start to become disconnected from themselves and others. In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque illustrates the negative effects war has on a soldier’s humanity, through his use of Paul’s books and the potato pancakes by revealing the soldiers loss of emoti on that causes them to become detached from society. Through theseRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque732 Words   |  3 Pageshistory, war between man has been nearly inevitable. The impact of war has always been devastating on all aspects. However, loss in war is mostly seen within the loss of land, wealth and the numbers of lives lost. There are few accounts of the true losses felt from war, the loss felt by the survivors and the true cost of human life. In the excerpt from All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, illustrates the impact on human life and question what the cost of human life was impacted. WhileRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque800 Words   |  3 Pages All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque was the war novel that changed what ‘war novel’ meant. No longer would war be a fantasy for the growing generation, but a real-life death trap. World War I came with many inn ovations to warfare: machine guns, poison gases, trench-style warfare. While these technologies were supposed to improve warfare, it made war longer with more casualties. In All Quiet on the Western Front war is not looked up to, it is looked down upon from the perspectiveRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque2100 Words   |  9 Pagesthoughts, feelings and experiences. All Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque, which takes World War I as background, is the great war novel which talks about the German soldiers extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the hopeless of these soldiers about the â€Å"future† – the time the war would have ended. All Quiet on the Western Front is narrated by Paul Bà ¤umer, a twenty-years-old German soldier who fights in the French front in World War I. Paul and his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1292 Words   |  6 PagesGermany flourished on the nationalism in the early 1900’s of its people. Ready to encounter an attack at any moment and any time. People forget the decision of war until they are in the flame of its fire. In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque explains his experience of the war in World War 1 through a character Paul Bumer. Bumer was a kind and sensitive man. Back in school he used to write poets. Pual’s Bumer teacher brainwashed him and other students who where his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque1655 Words   |  7 Pagessupporting Gandhi’s belief is World War I, which was fought between the Central Powers and Allies and infamous for its d evastating repercussions and savage warfare that occurred from 1914 to 1918. In his historical fiction novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque describes the traumatic and deadly war conditions of WWI from the perspective of a German soldier named Paul Baumer, who provides readers with firsthand insight on war’s atrocious nature. Nonetheless, war’s violence did notRead MoreAll Quiet And The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1249 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men, we are crude and sorrowful and superï ¬ cial, I believe we are lost† (Remarque 123). World War I is a tragic event that occurred in 1914 to 1918. Paul Baumer and the rest of the soldiers in the novel of â€Å"All Quiet in the Western Front† by Erich Maria Remarque are lost; they are broken from the fist World War, they don’t know anything aside from War, and they have lost their innocence during the years of matur ation. When the young men heardRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1482 Words   |  6 PagesThe novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is a tale about a group of young gentlemen in Germany who decide to join the army, and fight in World War I for their country. The boys become interested in fighting for their country after their schoolmaster informs them about the importance of this war. With much excitement, the young men have high expectations of what they want the war to be like. Throughout the course of the novel, the attitudes and opinions of the boys change asRead MoreAll Is Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1051 Words   |  5 PagesNathan Brown Quarter 2 Book Report American History My second quarter book was called â€Å"All is Quiet on the Western Front† by Erich Maria Remarque. This book as about a man named, Paul Baumer who is fighting for Germany in World War 1. He and a bunch of his friends from high school join an army voluntarily. They heard their teacher (Kantorek) in class giving patriotic speeches. After joining the army, Paul and his friends soon come to a conclusion that joining the army was not what they thought it

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Fundamentals of Technology Project Management †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Fundamentals of Technology Project Management. Answer: Introduction: The organization which has been chosen in the topic is the IT project management. This IT project management contains the development of software, n=installation of hardware, upgrading of networks, cloud computing, virtualization rollouts, anFundamentals of technology project managementalysis of business, management of data project and implementation of services of IT. IT projects focus mainly to project failure. If there is any kind of problems which may arise that can cause to a project failure then the factors behind it can have a negative impact on the IT project (Field and Keller, 1998). This impact includes the technology advent in the execution of project, changes of infrastructure and impact on security as well as data management, no confident relationships among the software, network and hardware configuration and information. IT projects also represents risk in the organization whenever a new technology is implemented for the first time. The technology which is not used in IT project may likely to cause complications and that may affect the success expected in the organization. The IT project management in this organization is made with all basic features that are required for the necessary set up of a project. Those include: The project is set up with customizable dashboard system in order to display the status and progress of all the corners of project in charts and tables. The project is planned and builds to check the implementation of new tasks as well as scheduling of any resources in the project planning and monitoring the progress at last. The status is regularly reported in the project in order to keep a check on the reporting framework and visualize the report. The status is always required to send to the team mates and to the stakeholders. It projects are mainly time tracked in order to allow the team members to work according to the time service available, and creating a timesheet for maintain the input of time spent. The data is updated regularly and automatically regarding the plans and reports. Resources are regularly planned in the IT project for facilitating the task for the team members who helps in creation of plans and then delegating the task to the respective team members with right resources available at the right time. The IT project is created with schedule and the tasks are performed in groups. The dependencies are identifies the time is assigned to the workers along with the resources. In this company, It projects are mainly focuses the methodology based on the best practices of the guidelines of Project management. The strategy is based on two beliefs. First the strategy is based on the evolving set of guidelines, examples and templates relate to the projects (Garton and McCulloch, 2012). Second the strategic tools are designed to help in managing the projects. Thus the primary purpose of these strategic tools is to assist the project manager and the project team with the project. The key success that can be ensured to a project is its successful planning. The project is mainly to ensure the saving of time money and many other problems which many people may not realize about the value of project. A project is mainly successful when the needs of the stakeholders are met accordingly. A stakeholder is always directly or indirectly related to the project. The company team and the stakeholders speak about the relevant needs of the company and the associated benefits of it (Hobbs, 2009). This discussion is recorded and set with t a priority. This list is then utilized to measure the set of goal for the organization. The list of things is then discussed in order to meet the needs of the projects and deliver those needs on time to achieve the required goals. The list of tasks is enlisted to carry out the delivery that is identified with the amount of effort required to carry out the task and the resource needed to complete the task. Then there is the final planning of the process. The responsibilities and the roles of the IT project are decided accordingly and the plans are then supported. Monitoring of the IT project is done in order to oversee the progress of the IT projects, outputs and outcomes. The IT projects are also observed in order to predict an issue of risk and to take necessary actions for the assessment of risk. The reports are maintained on the monitoring view in order to report the correct people at the correct time with the negative and positive impacts related with the IT project along with the remedial action that can be appropriate (Index of 2013 Project Management Journal Papers and Authors, 2014). On the other side the controlling of the project is related with the stages in the IT project in order to initiate the control of delivery of outcome that may expected from the IT project. The IT project controls can be two types that can be time form or event form. The controlling is measured during the specific event of IT project which may cause an issue in the assessment. And the time driven form is to initiate the IT project aspects with the time bo unding. There are many IT project tools that are required for ensuring the proper planning and control of an IT project in the team. Three among the important tools are specified below: Gaining a better understanding of the capability of the IT project resource- The resource capability of IT project is the key factors for the success of the business which will be then delivered with proper service (Levin, 2013). This resource capability panning is done among the It projects in order to analyze the requirements of the project and the services that are capable of performing with time in order to manage the expectations of the customer, improve the productivity of the business and reducing the cost of IT projects. Ensuring the right projects that is selected and priority given to it- Project prioritization is very beneficial to any organization in order to focus on the priority of the project that is working with or against with each other and that helps in optimizing the order of work. This essential process is help in growing the IT project business with the least resources are available and achieve maximum benefits and also recues the failures of project. Optimizing the usage of resources- The scheduling of the resources is very essential in order to establish the feasibility in the planning of IT project and setting it according to the expectations of the customers. The IT project commences after the schedule, the use of resources aligning the tasks is then done with the availability of the resource and re prioritization of work if required (Marchewka, 2012). Resource scheduling helps in increasing the revenue levels and also in providing the ability to assign to the best fit available resources based on the skills, experience and location to efficiently fulfil the resource request and to manage the resource conflicts in the IT projects. The phases that are defined in the management of an IT project: Project strategy definition- In this phases the overall approach of the requirement of the IT project is discussed along with the methodology to implement it. Preparation of the IT project- The key stakeholders and the IT team members discuss the key requirements of the project in order to start and establish of the project. Then recruiting the project members with their responsibilities. Designing of IT project- The strategy of the project is relevant with the stakeholders who help to design the main outcome from the project, and that also builds the ownership for the outcome of the project (Mehta, 2007). Development and testing of IT project- The IT project team starts developing with the components of the project and the building the output of the project. Training of the IT project- This stage is all about preparing the project by training the users, putting the place ongoing support, and transferring of data to the new systems. The support and benefits realization- The launching of the project is done with the support of the business and after the launching of the project is done with the requirement and the members are reassigned according to the project criteria. Control of IT project- The control of the It project is necessary for the effective utilization and managing the project to ensure maximum benefits of the project and risks are assessed in order to reduce project failures. Communication between team members- The communication is a necessity and its highly responsible to the team members for the discussing the phases of project along with the stakeholders to make a considerable attention to the projects (Patel, 2008). Integration of the IT project- In this phase the consideration of the project interface is done in order to see the functioning of the project that is holding any impact on the areas of the management of the project. The experience of a manager and the capability related to the manager is discussed in the next section: The capability of the manager mainly demands with the emotional intelligence of the individual of possessing the decision in order to organize the planning of the IT project in the team. This is a necessary ability to pick up on the events that are required for the interactions with the team and the related stakeholders verbally or non verbally with the related process of the inputs that to be given for the implementation of the project in the context of the IT project design as well as expecting the better output from the project. The communication must be adaptive to the environment of the IT organization that is holding the It project and in this phase the ability of the person is to articulate the ideas of other team members into the single project (Randolph, 2014). The ability of the organized person is to communicate with all the individuals who are related to the IT projects along with the groups or teams who are working with the team to achieve the most effective way of communication and the techniques are thus highly benefitted in the team. Management kills is the main requirement in order to appoint a manger in organization of IT project even though the manager has an experience in this field. The ability to serve the project demands as well as the requirements of the project benefit is initiated and evaluated by the project manager and then the project is implemented according the repost generated. This helps the appointed member to motivate the team as well recruit the roles of the team members in order to collaborate the actions and the performance among the members of the IT project team. The most important quality of the management head must be of the flexibility nature that will help the manager to change the approach of the project as well to influence the decisions of the project team members (Rodney Turner, 2004). This is the capability of the willingness for the management of the project for the course of actions that is required according to the business needs. The highly demandable quality of the team head is to focus on the expectations of the customer as they are main holder of the project benefits and the project output is finally utilized with them (Thomsett, 2002). The project team members work accordingly to the project discussion which is finally made by the leader. But the expectations of the customers are not directly dependant to the management head. So it needs to understand the customer needs in order to ensure the project meet the needs that are actually demanded. Activity Preceding Activity Duration (months) A - 1 B A 5 C A 2 D B 4 E C 2 F D 4 G D,E 3 H F 2 I G,H 4 References Baguley, P. (2008).Project management. [New York]: McGraw-Hill. Deeprose, D. (2002).Project management. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. Eric Kirkland, C. (2014). Project Management: A Problem-Based Approach.Project Management Journal, 45(1), pp.e3-e3. Field, M. and Keller, L. (1998).Project management. London: International Thomson Business Press. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

John Lennon Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s, John Lennon

John Lennon "The Beatles," Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and John Lennon changed the world of popular music forever. In 1969, the image of The Beatles was crumbling from within. But there was life after The Beatles demise for John Lennon. Lennon pursued his dreams of world peace with his wife Yoko Ono, from the breakup of The Beatles in 1970 (not "official" until 1975), until his murder in 1980. John Lennon began to release solo records. He recorded one of his most popular and influential solo songs, "Give Peace A Chance," from a bed in Montreal, where he was answering questions for reporters. Soon after, The Beatles recorded and released their last album, "Abbey Road," and disbanded. John's efforts for world peace included a press conference where he and his wife were in a bag (the idea was that if everyone lived in bags, there would be no predujice), several bed events, where reporters were invited, films, and, of course, his songs. Shortly after The Beatles broke up, he formed a new band, "The Plastic Ono Band." The group backed Lennon on many albums and later combined with another band, "Elephant's Memory." The merged band gave a charity performance in New York City on August 30, 1972. It was their last performance together. Soon after, John Lennon temporarily retired from recording and the public eye to give his family more attention. In 1980, John Lennon released his long awaited comeback album, "Double Fantasy." The album was generally viewed as mediocre, but it was good to have John back "in the saddle" again. The album seemed to have topped out at #2 and was now declining. Tragically, on December 8th of that year, John Winston Ono Lennon, was shot to death outside of his New York appartment building. "Double Fantasy" went up the charts again and hit #1 and the man who had said "All you need is love" and "Give peace a chance," had died by the gun. The area of Central Park where John once enjoyed many walks is now called "Strawberry Fields," in honor of one of his most famous songs he wrote with The Beatles. In 1985, his last live performance with The Plastic Ono Elephants Memory Band was released on home video. John Lennon is now highly regarded of one of the greatest and most influential musicians of all time. John Lennon changed the world with his music, ideas, and his mind. From his days as a Beatle until his death, Lennon was one of the most influential people of his time.